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cbd lip balm

DIY at Home: CBD Infused Lip Balm Recipe

You have arrived at the right place if you do not know about CBD infused lip balm recipe. Here, you will get a custom-made, calming, and moisturizing lip care product packed with the benefits of CBD. For this DIY project, you can choose what materials to use based on your preference or refer to the ones that have made it to the list.

Making such a lip balm and its advantages are explained in detail in this comprehensive guide. Every element has been selected based on its capacity to soothe and hydrate the skin, leaving your lips smooth and moisturized all day. It is now time to discuss the potential therapeutic benefits of CBD infused lip balm recipe.

Your Guide On How To Make CBD Lip Balm At Home

Your lip balm can become a soothing and hydrating lip care product by adding CBD to it. Everything needed to make it is as follows:

cbd lip balm

Source: Freepik


  1. Shea Butter: 2 tablespoons
  2. Organic Beeswax: 2 tablespoons
  3. Coconut Oil: 1 tablespoon (optionally infused with CBD oil)
  4. Essential Oil: 4 drops (edible & topical like lavender, peppermint, or rose)
  5. CBD Oil: 1 ml
  6. Vitamin E Oil: To add moisture & support the repair of skin
  7. Lip balm jar or tube made from glass, if possible


Step 1: Ready the Double Boiler

To start making CBD balm, combine a double boiler by filling the bottom pot with water and heating it slowly. After heating, pour in shea butter, beeswax, and coconut oil.

Step 2: Melt and Combine

While still stirring, use a wooden spoon to allow the materials to melt fully in the double boiler. This will ensure that the shea butter, beeswax, and coconut oil blend smoothly, making a uniform mixture.

Step 3: Add Essential Oils and CBD

After these ingredients have melted completely, switch off the heat from under the bowl and place them on a stove at a very low flame. If you want more advantages, add essential or CBD oils. Remember to put Vitamin E oil in it to boost its moisture content during the blending process.

Step 4: Prepare Lip Balm Container

Prepare your lip balm container while settling your lip balm mixture. Remove the jar’s lid and arrange them on a parchment paper-lined, level surface.

Step 5: Fill Container

Utilizing a dropper that can withstand heat, slowly fill the lip balm container with a warm liquid mixture. To make sealing easier, continue doing this until you are about half an inch below the rim of each jar. Ensure there is no wastage while pouring by taking care not to spill, and ensure an equal amount is poured in the container of CBD-infused lip balms.

Step 6: Allow to Cool

After filling, let the container sit at room temperature for at least fifteen minutes. Otherwise, it will crack apart when moved around, leaving an uneven texture after solidification.

Step 7: Seal and Store

Ensure you have adequately sealed the top of your container after the lip balm has solidified. Maintaining the CBD lip balm’s effectiveness for up to six months requires keeping it dry and out of direct sunlight. Doing this ensures that your homemade lip balm remains fresh and valuable after being used daily.

Benefits Of CBD Lip Balms


If you use CBD lip balm, it will help moisturize your lips. Hydrating elements like CBD oil, shea butter, and natural oils go into making this lip balm. Treating dry skin and maintaining soft lips is one thing these lip balms excel at.

women using cbd lip balm

Source: Freepik 

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

CBD lip balms are popular due to their anti-inflammatory properties. They soothe chapped lips and reduce redness, swelling, and environmental irritants. They also relieve dryness symptoms and promote lip care.

Antioxidant Benefits

Lip balm containing cannabidiol has micro-nutrients that safeguard against UV radiation and cancel free radicals. The delicate skin on our mouths needs shielding as it’s exposed to environmental factors that cause harm and, thus, aging.

To Sum It Up

Take a DIY trip with this CBD infused lip balm recipe. Try various essential oils to discover your ideal aroma and take advantage of CBD’s therapeutic properties. This blog offers you a customized recipe made with organic components. It discusses the three benefits of having antioxidants, lowering inflammation, and providing moisture, which makes them an essential part of any skincare routine. Bring out the skincare enthusiast in you by making products specific to your needs. Start now and take pleasure in your homemade results with a delightful CBD-infused stick.


Williams, K. (2022, August 23). Make it at home: CBD-infused lip balm recipe. High There.


LaLaLeaf. (2023, August 25). The ultimate guide to CBD lip balm: Benefits, uses, and how to choose the right one. LaLaLeaf.


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