CBD Magazines

CBD Magazines


Getting all of the Nutrients you need simply cannot be done without supplements.

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+1 599 162 4545

5689 Lotaso Terrace, Culver City,
CA, United States

Privacy Policy

Welcome to CBD magazines. This privacy policy will convey how we guard, collect, use, and reveal your information on our website. In addition, this privacy policy only applies to our page and does not extend to extend-par third-party products and apps.

What Do We Collect?

  • We collect your contact details, such as phone number and email address.
  • If you make an account on our platform, we will collect your login information.
  • Usage data, including browser types, IP addresses, and the pages you visit, will also be collected.
  • We may use cookies to increase your browsing experience. You can change your cookies preference anytime by going to your browser settings.

How Do We Use Your Information?

  • We use your information to elevate our services to meet your requirements.
  • To provide helpful information like newsletters and the latest updates.
  • To ensure clear communication of your account
  • To avoid scams and fraud.
  • Avoid any relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, and legal protocols.

Third-Party Vendors

We may utilize third-party services like analytics and data collection tools to gather details about your online activities on our website. The privacy policies of these third-party sites vary from ours. Thus, we recommend that you review their privacy policies as well.

Data Retention

We may retain our users’ information even after they have ceased using our website to preserve their usage history and enhance their experience.

Rectification In The Policy

Our policy may change at any time. Updated policies can only be found on this page.


Your information, details, and data usage are protected from unauthorized access. However, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information as the internet is only partially secure these days. When creating your account, you can select strong passwords and change them regularly. Nevertheless, any actions taken using your account will be your responsibility, regardless of your involvement.